Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Japanese Method To Lose Weight With Towel

A japanese method to lose weight with a towel the procedure is as follows: first, fasten the towel in a roll and fix it with some rope please, sit on a clean surface, the best is on a flat floor however, put it the towel under your back in the height of your umbilicus and then lie down (the towel should be a bit larger than your back). Japanese method to lose weight with towel. One of these trends that recently shook the internet was the japanese method of losing weight with a towel roll yes, you read that right a japanese doctor toshiki fukutsudzi introduced a very simple method to lose weight, which only needs a rolled towel as you lie down on it with a specific posture.

japanese method to lose weight with towel

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Not only will it help you lose weight, it will also give you relief from back pain all you need for this exercise is a towel and a yoga mat step 1 : fold your towel into a cylinderical roll. Please note that this is posture-correction technique and not weight loss method. doctor fukutsudzi in order to create awareness amongst people about the side effects of having a bad posture, suggested a technique to help people combat back proble.... Take a lesson from dr. fukucudzi in japan. he’s created a weight loss method that has been helping the japanese for over a decade. you’ll need five minutes out of your day, a horizontal surface, a large cloth or towel, and a strap. your cloth or towel should be 40 cm long and between seven and ten centimeters thick..

more info japanese method to lose weight with towel ---> click here

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