Thursday, March 18, 2021

Can't Lose Weight On Lexapro Reddit

I know a lot of people say lexapro causes weight gain but have any of you had weight loss? don't get me wrong, i don't mind it much however, if i continue to lose without it hitting some plateau i worry i'll have to get off of it i was happy to see 16lbs go but i don't have another 16 to spare lexapro has been working great for my anxiety. Can't lose weight on lexapro reddit. Hi, nmz! yes, both antidepressants and anti-psychotics can inhibit your metabolism making it difficult to lose weight and even causing weight gain in some people eating healthy and exercising will help, but only so much if it's a real problem for you and depending on why you're taking lexapro you might ask your doctor about switching to a more weight neutral antidepressants like wellbutrin.

can't lose weight on lexapro reddit

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Hello! i actually got off lexapro bc i gained 25 to 30 lbs while on it, 6 months i kept telling the doctors about weight gain & they kept saying "shouldn't gain much more" 6 months later i was adamant i wanted off it bc of the weight gain been off 3 months and i cannot lose a pound i worked out while on lexapro and am now too yet no weight. All i have heard is its impossible to lose weight even w/ exercise and diet. i am currently on lexapro and have been gaining weight since i started. if i can't lose the weight than i believe i will consider another medication. so if anyone out there has been able to lose weight on these meds, please let me know! thanks.. Lexapro is the brand name for a drug called escitalopram, which treats depression and anxiety. as a side effect, lexapro may cause some people to gain a small amount of weight. less commonly, it.

more info can't lose weight on lexapro reddit ---> click here

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